Thursday, June 7, 2007

Oh Happy Day

I have been waiting for a new 18 acre park to open in my neighborhood, living in the city I don't have a nice green yard to relax or plant flowers in. The park has a community garden area, not sure how it works, but tomorrow is the official opening of the community garden. I will be there to see if and how one claims a piece of the garden. I've been walking once around the park each evening after supper this week in an attempt to try to shed a few of the winter pounds I've acquired. It is just so nice to see such a pieceful place in the city, sorta like centra park in New York.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh Lee, I guess I take my big backyard for granted here in the boonies!!! I do hope you can claim a square foot for a little gardenin' in your new park. You think they'd be happy to have people willing to keep up a little garden!! Enjoy!1